I'm no longer afraid of what I can't do. I'm afraid of what happens if I don't try.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Mi amiga has this little tally at the end of her blogs where she posts her workouts, etc for the day. I love it and I'm stealing the idea...GRACIAS L!!

Today was a long day. I had NO NO NO NO NO DESIRE to workout especially after having to wait 30 minutes longer than usual when picking up Mickey..but I did it. And i'm so proud of myself. I found this parking lot right here by my house that is huuuuge..and empty..and off I went. I loved it. Very private. There was one other older man that seemed to have the same idea as me but it was good. I felt a little safer.....we wished each other good night when we were down (he totally was there longer than me!) But I finally downloaded the actual Couch to 5K podcast and it is soo much better than trying to keep track on my stopwatch. Let me relax and just focus on the workout..and trying to catch my breaf (even though the music makes me feel like I should have a glowstick in both hands! lol).

Oh..when you all download the podcast and hear it...hilarious There's this one part where the guy is like right now you should feel the run..but should not be tired or out of breath....I'm like uhm.....SURE!
Workout: Couch to 5K podcast: Week 1--30 minutes


Susan Lechuga said...

Good job lady! You inspire me to get my butt off the couch and I think you look great. Hugs and good luck in this journey!

Anonymous said...

Great job! Keep that exercise log.. i think it helps to remind ourselves: Did i have a workout yesterday? or today? LOL.... good job!!! proud of you