I'm no longer afraid of what I can't do. I'm afraid of what happens if I don't try.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Hi...My name is B...and I eat my feelings...

Seriously, what a moment of awakening these last two days have been. So before you all get crazy and try to jump me..I will say that I, in fact, did NOT eat my feelings, but omg how badly I wanted to. And it's not even that anything MAJOR was happening..I was just in a bad bad mood...grumpy, tired, etc and all I was thinking was...SON OF A MOTHER i have a salad for lunch. I mean...it was a wonderful salad and all (I love Trader Joe's) but good golly, Senorita Molly, a whopper would have so comforted me even more...

Last night..same thing. Seriously, I was cock-blocked...only that's not the right word..I was burrito-blocked. LOL. I left the choice up to Mickey as to where we would pick up food from--our original plan was Subway. I did this KNOWING he would pick burritos and oh my heck did I want one...and yes! My plan worked..he picked burritos...and wouldn't you know it...the only taqueria in any close proximity to his preppy school was CLOSED! UGH. Angrily, I drove to Subway and was much better for eating my healthy sandwich..

So today...as I'm just WANTING my hamburger, I realized..DUDE, I'm such a comfort eater. I thought that was so generic--like every fat's girl excuse for being fat and when I visualized people "comfort-eating", I got totally disgusted because I pictured someone gorging on burgers and fries and shakes and boxes of cookies...but that comfort eating is looking for food to make you feel better. That's what I was doing. And I had no real reason to be grumpy, but there I am, putting my momentary happiness in the BK...ugh..give me a break!

Seriously, I am SO dramatic sometimes....lmfao..omg I am giggling at the thought of me crying into a pinche whopper...LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Adrians Mama said...

You crack me up! Yes i hope the sunny days are coming soon...i guess not so much sunny as warmer!! Your blog is great! Never knew you had one now I will be reading! Thanks!

CancunCanuck said...

Realizing why you eat is important, you can change the focus of your emotions, try to find a suitable "soother" if you KWIM. I'm not saying it's easy, but with the will power you seem to have, you can redirect those compulsions to something healthy. Think of something else that makes you feel good and when you want that burger, go for the other good thing instead. Big love to you mami!