I'm no longer afraid of what I can't do. I'm afraid of what happens if I don't try.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

See..I Told You So

When you don't hear from me....I'm not doing so hot.

Okay well to be fair, I'm not doing too bad either..but mostly because I am sick. I will say I'm not doing well because I'm eating about 1 meal a day. It has been a ridiculous week at work and next week will be more of the same...my job tends to be on the slow side most of the time, unless its testing time...then...it's long hours and lots of stress. And since I'm not feeling well, when I get home, I just crash....

However, I'm going grocery shopping today and will presort a bunch of snacks and meals to make this week easier for me. I'm hoping my honey does his part to help us out and cooks some good meals on the days I can't be here to do it.

I've had a really bad cold I guess, and am worried that I went straight from a cold to a flu because my stomach is very very sour right now. yuck. BUT to get me through the stress of this week, I promise to workout 30 minutes a day. I'll need some me time to destress and will attempt to eat more than one meal a day....I promise!

Oh I forgot to mention in here, but I am going to an every two week weigh in. I don't want to be a slave to the scale so my weigh in dates will be Saturday mornings and my next weigh in is next Saturday. See you then!

JK I will be checking in this week if anything to post my workouts and food goals...

adios! super bowl is on ;)


Gina said...

I hope you feel better soon my little Blasinda!

3LittleFlowers said...

Hope you get better soon and that you have a better week!!!

Anonymous said...

girl... I wish you are on the way to recovery so you can go back on track again!... I support your 2 weeks weigh in .. i hate the weekly too